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The History of Talsoft Solutions

Talsoft Solutions is a sole-proprietor business which was officially registered on November 20, 2018 with the Companies Office of Jamaica. However, the concept existed long before and was in operation from about 2011.

In 2011 after Mr. Talbert discovered a new skill of creating installing virtual learning environment for schools, Mr Talbert was also interested in going into the business of installing these technologies for school. In fact, he received requests from other schools to create one of these sites for them and to train the teachers and students to use it. It was then Jamaica Learning Environments was conceptualized. Mr. Talbert marketed the product in such a way that schools could determine the number of training sessions and site features it wanted and pay accordingly. 

Since the response from the schools about the virtual learning environment was slow, Mr. Talbert decided to create other websites that could improve the administative processes of schools. It was the first time the term Talsofts was coined. This site was intended to be a comprehensive school adminisrative system not only managing student personal information and their academic performance but also their library activities and behaviour information. The site also has commnuicative features geared towards improving communication at school. Students also could apply for sixthform matriculation via the system. The TalsoftsSAS app was also created to improve accessiblity to the programme's features to more users of the school community. 

Having seen the work and realizing the potential of this activity to earn an extra income, Talsofts Solutions was born to provide these technologies to ordinary people at a reasonable rate.